Sunday, September 26, 2010

Da New Cave

Cavebrother has done it, he's found our new cave. Located on the top of a volcanic ridge, apparently the cave is nice, free of bats and bears, and has an abundance good rocks around it which could be used to smash things.

Please enjoy a virtual tour of das cave presented to us here by the one and only Adam Ayers, who thinks he is funny when quite obviously he is not...
(cavebrother stands in the main entrance of our new home)

This photo demonstrates that there actually was a time when Adam was literally my "little" brother, and although that time seems to have come and gone (maybe not I think I'm just going to get my growth spurt a little late) this does not mean I will not be the one in charge of things around the house, for I am older and therefore wiser, also I am the natural alpha male mainly because of my sheer strength and power.

In any case I'm stoked, as the Herron brothers will be united again, and you can expect big things from us this winter as we are already planning many adventures and expeditions to some of the most beautiful, and most dangerous places on Oahu as well as new board designs including winged alaia's, rocket tow boards (for doing airs at phantoms), and body surfing expeditions all along the north shore. Banzai!

As you can see from this little text video I received from das Cavebrother yesterday titled, "Aloha From Pipe" he's already been making moves in da waves...

Parting shot: The virtual tour guide, Adam Ayers and his beautiful lady Katie Brown glowing at tongs.
